Flower Matter

Less waste,
One step at
a time

Less waste,
One step at
a time


While our materials are designed to capture flower waste in large volumes, we know that big impact takes time.

At the moment, we offer design-oriented collaborative partnerships with anyone who has flower waste on a smaller scale. (Based in Bangkok)

Our Services

Please refer to our FAQs or get in touch for more information.

Recent Projects

Wondering what to do with your surplus flowers?

Contact for collaboration

Wondering what to do with your surplus flowers?

Contact for collaboration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We offer diverse design-oriented collaborations, consultancy, and personalized solutions on various scales, depending on your needs and our capabilities at the time. Check out our projects for inspiration and send us an inquiry at contact@flowermatter.com

We work internationally, primarily in the EU and Thailand, but our physical services (services involve recycling processes) are limited to Thailand at the moment.

We update our upcoming and ongoing projects on our social media channels.

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Our Key Activities

We keep cut-flowers in the loop with floral foam from flower waste


We explore the best uses of cut-flowers through Design


What's happening at Flower Matter